Friday, July 5, 2024

Understanding file sizes

Types of File Sizes

·         Bit

·         Nibble

·         Byte

·         Kilo Byte

·         Mega Byte

·         Giga Byte

·         Tera Byte

·         Peta Byte

·         EXA Byte

·         Zetta Byte

·         Yotta Byte


Computer Memory is the hardware part of the system that stores data, information, and instructions. It is a device where data is stored, data is processed and instructions required for data processing are also stored. Computer memory stores both types of data that is, input and output.

Types of Computer Memory

·         Primary Memory

·         Secondary Memory

·         Cache Memory

1. Primary Memory

Primary Memory is called as main memory of the System. During computer operations, it stores data, programs, and instructions. It is commonly called Semiconductor Memory or Volatile Memory. Primary Memory is faster than Secondary Memory.

2. Secondary Memory

Secondary Memory is used to store a heavy amount of data or information. The data or information stored in Secondary Memory is permanent and secondary memory is slower than primary memory, but secondary memory can’t be directly accessible by the CPU.

3. Cache Memory

Cache Memory is faster memory that helps in fastening the speed of the CPU. Cache Memory is used to store the data that is frequently required by the CPU. Whenever the system gets off, data present in the cache memory gets lost.

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Computer Terms

The termination of the process due to a program or system fault      -      Abend(abnormal ending) To terminate a process before completion....