Saturday, April 7, 2018

Getting User Inputs in Visual Basic .NET 

It often happens that you need to prompt the user to enter an expected value.

VB.NET Console Application:
Dim nl As String = Environment.NewLine
' say hi and ask them for a name
Console.WriteLine("Hello there. What's your name?" + nl)
Dim input = Console.ReadLine()
' say something to the user
Console.WriteLine(nl & "Nice to meet you " & input & "." & nl)

VB>NET Windows Form Application

Dim prompt As String = String.Empty
Dim title As String = String.Empty
Dim defaultResponse As String = String.Empty
Dim answer As Object
' Set prompt.
prompt = "Hello there. What's your name?"
' Set title.
title = "Getting user input"
' Set default value.
defaultResponse = "Your name here"
' Display prompt, title, and default value.
answer = InputBox(prompt, title, defaultResponse)
' Say something to the user
Messagebox.Show("Nice to meet you " & answer)

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The termination of the process due to a program or system fault      -      Abend(abnormal ending) To terminate a process before completion....